Ministering to the lost - strengthening the weak -

encouraging the strong

SEE SCHEDULE @ Bottom of each page!


The Mackinac Island Bible Church is a "Mission Outpost" to the nations who come to visit , work and live on this beautiful island. But as an independent, donation-based, faith work we need others to help us reach the masses. We are truly an "Outside-the-4-Walls" ministry with only a few here to help us. The fields are ripe, but the laborers in the work of God are few. Listen to our promo video from years ago and see what you, your family, friends or church can do for the Kingdom of God. Thank You and enjoy!


worship & Word! 

SUNDAYS 9:30am


7358 MaRKET Street


go to "worship & Word" tab for Video sermons from Pastor Ken

*June 9  & 16 Only:    Meeting @ FORT HOLMES!

Life on mackinac island ...

You're away from home. It's a bit unfamiliar. You're just visiting this place. You feel excited to be here - then life sets in and it may get even lonely and confusing. New things are coming at you, and it is difficult at times to see what is best for your soul.  Lots of activities can fill your schedule, but do these actually fill your real needs inside? Good friends are hard to find. How do you navigate what's swirling all around you. Life does have answers for you! We sure don't expect to have it all figured out, but we love the GOD WHO LOVES YOU ... AND HE DEFINITILY HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE.

JOIN US SUNDAY NIGHTS @ 7:00pm for a fellowship and discussion with people that are trying to figure out these crossroads we call "life." Come join the LIGHTHOUSE LIFE GROUP - everyone is always welcome! Whether you are working or visiting, you can find purpose and life. There is a LIGHT to follow with others, and we all need help to find Him!

This isn't our church, but We are ...

 "a house of prayer for all nations!"

Jesus restated Isaiah 56:7 in the Gospels when He said, "...My house shall be called a House of Prayer for all Nations..." You could say that we take this literally as our MIBC House becomes our "House of Prayer and Worship " WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 7:00pm we meet at 6688 Main Street (MIBC Office) and go out for a PRAYER WALK - interceding for people, places and God's move on this island - which has always been HIS heart! God's clarion call has never changed, but we the Church MUST pray. 


Come join us to touch nations!


MIBC House (6688 Main)

Click  Here and read our 2024 newsletter, THE GOOD REPORT, an annual teaching from Pastor Ken Straight along with other useful news about the ministry of this "Mission Outpost to the Nations" on Mackinac Island. Enjoy!

Weekly Events

& "Pop-Ups"

The Mackinac Island Bible Church is busy with it's weekly meetings that minister to all of us Spirit, Soul and Body. We have been faithfully working here year in and year out with a new "crop" of people to minister to each season. If you are here for one of our Weekly meetings or  "POP-UPS" maybe look for one of our signs like one to the right - they may POP-UP anywhere! (Go to the "NEWS" page on to see what is POPPING-UP at MIBC.