Pastor Ken & Lori Straight

In 2002, Ken and Lori Straight accepted the call with their two sons, Caleb and Jesse, to come lead the many ministries of the Mackinac Island Bible Church. As seasoned ministers with international experience and years of local church leadership, these two work diligently as a team to captain all aspects of this vital "Mission Outpost" on the island. Lori is always there to lead and assist while she heads up Women's Ministries, Children's Ministries and even the feeding of a full hot meal to an average of 60 people during our Friday Night Coffee House. After decades of marriage, now as much ministry under their belts, both educated with professional and ministerial credentials, these two remain teachable and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as those "who must give account" (Hebrews 13:17). These have been both challenging and rewarding years of ministry here on Mackinac Island!

In Memorial

...Marinel Olpot, a summer worker from the Philippines, was a shining example of a loving, sold-out witness for Jesus Christ who was part of the ministries of the Mackinac Island Bible Church. A series of health issues took her prematurely from this earth but she is with the Lord singing and rejoicing in His Presence. Why is a memorial picture of Miss Olpot placed here on this page? MIBC is blessed by year-round residents, seasonal residents and summer workers that have a passion for Jesus and are truly leaders in the Body of Christ. Marinel was one of these! As she served on our worship team as a soloist and with our projection equipment what stood out was her pure love for Jesus. It wasn't religious or but sweet, loving and beautiful to see and hear. It was known all over Mackinac Island that she loved the Lord, cherished the Word of God and treated others in such a way that she left a lasting impact on the island and the Mackinac Island Bible Church. Marinel Olpot was a true servant-leader in the Kingdom of God. We miss you Marinel and pray that we will receive others that lead by example in such a pure, humble way like you!

Lord of the Harvest ...

Jesus defined the greatest leaders as those who are "servants of all" (Matthew 23:11). Serving each other and those around us is what we are called to do. The Mackinac Island Bible Church accomplishes many things by just a handful of people serving. What would our world look like if every single person in the Body of Christ did their part?  You can give of your time, talent or your treasure to serve in Jesus' name. Please pray the "Lord of the Harvest" would send laborers into this vital and fertile ground on Mackinac Island. We all work so hard on Mackinac Island so that others can enjoy this beautiful place, but MIBC is not on vacation here, we need other servant/leaders to come and join with us and win many to the Kingdom of Heaven! Interesting in volunteering or serving as an Intern. Click here to contact us!

Ephesians 2:19-22

"So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household, having been built on the foundations of the apostles and prophets. Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit."